Career Guidance for Mechanical Engineers
Recent Trends in Automobile Industry and career opportunities for mechanical engineers was shared by Mr. Savio Joseph, designer in germany and Cheif head behind the new project of BMW called " KUDUMBA". Prof. Abel George welcomed him and Prof. Arun Thomas expressed sincere gratitude to Mr. Savio on behalf of the management.
Placement Preparedness Training
Three days Placement Preparedness training was offered by college for Final Year students of all branches including M-Tech students from 28-09-2019. Leading aptitude training company "PRAGMATIX LEARNING" handled the sessions. One hundred and fifty students participated for the same.
Grooming and Personality development program
Malayala Manorama in association with Proctor and Gamble conducted a training session on grooming and personality development for our students. The interactive session was completely handled by professionals from Malayala Manorama. Students with best attitude was given special gifts by them.

Company specific Training on Unix Commands
As most of the companies are recruiting students based on their programming skills, a three days Unix commands training was done for final year CSE, ECE and EEE students from 21-01-2020 by Mr. Abhijith Manoj and Mr. aditya Vishnu with the guidance of Prof. Ushus Maria of CSE Department.
Career Guidance Program
A one day Career Guidance Program was conducted by Mr. K. Joseph Zachariah, Director of Triveni School, Madhurai for the final year CSE and ECE students. Prof. Abel George (ATPO) welcomed him on behalf of the management. The session was about Campus to Corporate Etiquettes and Personal Interview. Ms.Divya Merin Alex (S8 CSE) has given the vote of thanks for the session.

Infosys Specific Training
Placement Preparedness training exclusively for Infosys Drive was offered by college for Fifty nine Final Year students of all branches. Leading aptitude training company "PRAGMATIX LEARNING" handled the sessions.