Alumini association of MBC CET is very active and ‘SAMANYA’ is annual get together of its proud members. The association is duly represented by passed out students from every batch from the beginning and the teaching faculty member. The activities are guided by an executive committee including nominated member at the Annual General Body Meeting. The association makes every effort to strengthen industry institute tie-ups, exposure visits, project works and placements to the benefit of the students. At MBC the alma mater make sure that the relations last long even after the regular academic life at the campus.
The Department Alumni meet for the year 2019 was held at MBCCET, Peermade. The meet was organized on 21st December 2019. Prof.Christy A Koshy, Former HoD of Dept. of EEE (2004-2009) was the chief guest of the program. The aim of the meet was to reunite the students working in various places and to recollect, rejoice the college memories and helped to share their work experience. Around 38 students have been participated to facilitate the program and discussed about the student’s placement and opportunities. They discussed the opportunities to develop the present students in employable skills, academic knowledge and industrial projects.
Program starts, PTA seminar Hall with all Alumina/former faculty Assembling at PTA seminar Hall-Unofficial interaction and ice braking session, - Self Introduction session


Official Programme started with prayer song at 11.00AM

Prof. Resmara S, Assistant Professor, in his welcome address extended his warm welcome to the Alumni and Guest on the dias and extended his sincere thanks to all Alumni who had come for the meet. He explained the Vision & Mission of the department and importance of the PEO’s & PO’s were to the Alumni.

Dr. Pradeep .C, Principal, MBCCET, Peermade in his presidential address the Alumni about the college and department performance and proactive measures and elaborated the Alumni with various activities, about technical, sports, social, and extent of the students support progressive activities. Furthermore, he detailed about the need for interaction and involvement of the Alumni in departmental strategic plans and overall development of the college.Dr. Pradeep .C congratulated all the Alumni for the interest shown while interacting with students and understanding their feelings. Also he extended the happiness to 2002-2006 batch of EEE for the contribution of Rs. 1,50,000 for financial needy students.

Prof. Christy A Koshy Former HoD of Dept. of EEE (2004-2009), MBCCET,Peermade inaugurated the function and he recollect his memories in MBCCET. Furthermore, he spoke about Considering the need of the hour and requirements of the students he enlightened and encouraged the Alumni to extend their support and assistance to students and institute.

Anil Kumar P C (2002-2006) sincerely expressed his gratitude to the honourable Management for his guidance and support to make this event a grand success and he remind and share his past experiences in MBCCET.

2002-2006 (EEE) batch announces their contribution to academically well and financial needy students of EEE of MBCCET, Peermade by giving a check leaf to Principal

Alumni’s shared their nostalgic thoughts.
Alumni attended the meet shared their experiences with the students who are perusing the education in our college. Alumni shared their thoughts and guided regarding opportunities and scope in industries. The alumni students were committed for students in the area of training, project and personality development.Some of the students from our department also attended the function

Recollecting the memories of former faculty and staff of Dept. of EEE at MBCCET,Peermade

Alumni facilitate their former faculty and staff of Dept. of EEE

Felicitation to faculty who completed 10 years of services at MBCCET,Peermade by alumni

Congratulating newly wedded couple (2019)

All the Faculty members were involved in a discussion of the various academic Programs and activities with the alumni. Faculty members discussed various issues regarding involvement of alumni in college activities. Alumni assured their support and contribution of their choice and interest for betterment of institute and department as well as students.

Department Newsletter Release(January – June 2019)

Christmas Cake Cutting Ceremony

Gift distribution to students who helped to brochure design and making of Department alumni meet PROMO VIDEO

Mr. Justin Varghese,S7 EEE, 2016-2020 Mr. Jerin K Renny,S5 EEE, 2017-2021
Felicitation to Alumni by EEE Association member Mr. Justin Varghese(S7 EEE)
The formal function concluded with a vote of thanks by Prof. Sneha Priya Sebastian, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE extending her heartfelt thanks to all the Alumni and dignitaries on the dias. Furthermore, she extend his thanks to all the heads of the department, faculty, and students who were part of the alumni meet directly or indirectly.

A delicious lunch was served to Alumni, staff members and students volunteers after the function. Alumni recalled about the typical traditional food style in different flavour and enjoyed the same with all

The program came to an end by 1.30 PM. Simultaneously lunch was provided to all the alumni and their family members.
· The event was stimulating and enjoyable and simultaneously profitable as all members shared their views ideate and good numbers of new ideas, information and insights came up.
Three no. of students from EEE department who perform excellent in curriculum and is financially backward will be provided with Rs50,000/- for each. College administration can decide on which semester is better to choose i.e. either S5 or S7.

Presence of
1. Dr. Pradeep C, Principal, MBCCET,PEERMADE
2. Prof. Resmara S, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, MBCCET,PEERMADE
3. Prof, Sherin Samuel, Assistant Professor and Department Alumni Coordinator Department of EEE, MBCCET,PEERMADE
4. Prof.Christy A Koshy,Former HoD (2004-2009), Department of EEE, MBCCET,PEERMADE(Currently working in PROVIDENCE COLLEGE OF ENGINERING, CHENGANNUR)
5. Mr. SAJU KURIAKOSE (Fomer EEE lab Staff (2005-2006) Department of EEE, MBCCET, PEERMADE (Currently working in FISAT , Angamaly)
6. Er.Anilkumar P C, Alumni(2002-2006), Department of EEE, MBCCET,PEERMADE, Project Engineer at Alkomed Engineering Services Company WLL, Manama, Bahrain
7. Er.Santhoshkumar K, Alumni(2002-2006), Department of EEE, MBCCET,PEERMADE, KSEB
8. Er.Sreejith V P, Alumni(2002-2006), Department of EEE, MBCCET,PEERMADE,KSEB
9. Er.Dharmesh J, Alumni(2002-2006), Department of EEE, MBCCET,PEERMADE,Site engineer at Swami Electricals, Salalah, Oman


Original signed proposal document kept in department alumni contribution file

Submitted with sincere regards
Assistant professor, Department Alumni Coordinator, Department of EEE, MBCCET, PEERMADE